Presentation Judith Dack
- A brief look at neuro-typical development of a baby, the importance of understanding a baby’s learning process through movement exploration.
- How neuroplasticity and NeuroMovement can open up a world of possibilities and learning for our babies and children.
- Utilizing the 9 essentials for both our children and ourselves, enabling us to parent more effectively and with more ease.
- Movement lessons each day to explore your own brain/body connection and really begin to understand your children’s ABMNM lessons.
- Hands on practice and take-home movement sequences to help your child continue the learning between lessons
- Lots of time for questions, and discussion, and opportunities to connect and learn from each other.
- Deepen your understanding and experience of the ABM 9 essentials
- Continue exploring your own brain-body connection
- Learn how to create powerful learning experiences for your child at home
- Dynamic opportunities for peer dialogue and learning through connection and a sense of community
- Addressing the difficult and challenging conversations of raising a child with special needs.
This is an invitation to take the next step into deepening your experience and understanding of the world of neuroplasticity and the brain/body connection.